Current Rates and How they are Applied
New sewer rates were adopted by the GCSD board on May 16th, 2023, which includes a 28% rate increase spanning over a 5-year period. Effective on July1, 2023'; 2023-24 Fiscal Year 10% increase, 2024-25 Fiscal Year 7% increase, 2025-26 Fiscal Year 5% Increase, 2026-27 Fiscal Year 3% Increase, and 2027-28 Fiscal Year 3% increase.
2024-25 Rate Structure
Residential properties will be charged as follows:
1. Each residential home with one structure and one septic tank system will be charged an annual flat sewer fee of $1351.98 per year. This fee will be collected on each property owner’s property tax bill issued by Mendocino County and includes the following fees:
a. Sewer Fee- $964.19
b. Capital Improvement Fee (CIP)/ Reserves- $387.79
c. Maintenance/ Standby Fee- $60.11
2. Each residential property that has multiple livable structures on the property with separate septic tanks systems connected to the district’s infrastructure will be charged the annual flat sewer fee multiplied by the number of septic tank systems.
3. Each residential property that has multiple livable structures and share one septic tank system connected to the district’s infrastructure will be charged one sewer fee, and the CIP/Reserves and Maintenance Fee will be multiplied by the number of structures on the property.
4. Residential vacant lots will be charged the standby fee only. This fee is charged to unimproved properties to ensure that adequate sewer service will be available for future development.
All commercial properties owners will pay their sewer fees on a monthly basis. Commercial properties will no longer see their sewer fees on their annual property tax bill from Mendocino County.
1. Commercial properties include the following:
a. Mobile Home Parks
b. Office Space
c. Supermarkets
d. Banks
e. Service (Gas) Stations
f. Hair Salons/ Barber
g. Hotels
h. Restaurants
i. Hardware Stores/ Gift Shop
2. Each commercial property will be charged a minimum sewer charge of $112.66 per month, per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU).
One commercial EDU is any commercial property that uses up to 122 Gallons of water per day*. Any commercial customer that uses more than 122 GPD of water will have their EDU value adjusted accordingly.
For example, if a commercial property uses the water equivalent of three residential homes (366 gallons of water per day) the minimum monthly fee of $112.66 would be multiplied by three.
3. The monthly commercial sewer rate includes the following fees:
a. Sewer Fee- $80.35
b. Maintenance/ Standby Fee- $5.00
c. Capital Improvement (CIP)/ Reserves Fee- $27.31
4. For commercial structures with vacant office spaces will have the sewer fee of $80.35 waived for each vacant office space (The Maintenance/Standby and CIP/Reserve Fees still apply).
5. Hotels/ Motels will be charged the same minimum commercial sewer rate of $105.29 per hotel room multiplied by the state average occupancy rate. Each hotel/ motel room is considered one EDU. The current average occupancy rate is 69%**.
For example, a hotel that has sixteen rooms are charged the following:
If a hotel/motel averages more than 122 GPD of water usage per room the total EDU value will be adjusted accordingly.
Mobile home parks will be charged a minimum of $112.66 per mobile home/ livable structure within the park connected to the district’s infrastructure. If the mobile home park as a whole averages more than 122 GPD per mobile home/ livable structure of water usage the total EDU value will adjusted accordingly.
*The annual residential water usage is used to determine the average gallons allowed per day and is collected from the North Gualala Water Company and will be analyzed every three years.
** Occupancy Rates will be analyzed on an annual basis.
2024-25 GCSD Rate Structure.pdf
A collection system is a network of pipes, manholes, clean-outs, lift stations and other structures used to collect all wastewater and transport it to a treatment plant or disposal system.
The collection system that is utilized by the town of Gualala is a unique system. A septic tank is still utilized, but with no leech fields. Instead of having leech fields customers either have a pump system inside the septic tank or a gravity system. Wastewater that would normally be transferred to the ground by the leech lines are instead piped into GCSD's collection system, which then travels to the wastewater plant for further treatment.
Sewage lift stations, also called pump stations, are used for pumping raw sewage from a lower elevation to a higher elevation.
GCSD utilizes extended aeration for its primary treatment of the raw wastewater. After primary treatment it goes through a tertiary treatment process, which meets Title 22 standards and is used for irrigation on the Sea Ranch Golf Links.
The aeration system in the activated sludge process provides oxygen to the microorganisms and mixes the contents. The mixing brings the wastewater pollutants into contact with the microorganisms to treat the wastewater and reduce the pollutants. The pollutants that can't be reduced are wasted out of the system and sent to landfill.
Sewer Tax Bill Information
GCSD has increase their sewer fees by 7% for fiscal year 2024-25. Please read our Prop 218 Notice located here.
If you have any questions please contact the General Manager- Chris Troyan at (707)785-2331 email at gcsdplant@gmail.com. You may also contact our Finance Director- Geraldine LiaBraaten at (707)884-1715 email at gcsdoffice@gualalacsd.org.